Wednesday, December 18, 2019

More on Past Lives--Spain

Going to Paris felt like home to me.  Walking the Seine River was magical and oddly therapeutic. This was due to a significant past life I had here.  It was a difficult one but I had healed it so thoroughly that it was no longer an issue for me. In fact, it was now a positive for me.

Spain was another story. I had a significant, difficult past life here as well but realized I hadn't worked on it as much as I needed to. I could tell by my strong reaction upon arrival. I was planning to take videos on this trip showing viewers how to clear land, what past lives are about and other healing pointers. None of this happened. One full day was devoted to clearing myself while laying in bed! I have been laid up in bed for about four days in 22 years so this is not something I do. I'm someone who never gets sick or needs extra rest but Spain showed me that certain locations can change all that for a person. Visiting or living in a city where you have a major difficult past life can drain your energy, make you feel pulled down in life, disorient you or other unpleasant symptoms.

What can you do about this? Understand your past lives and do work to heal them.

What do you do if this is all new to you? First of all know you've been in many lifetimes both past and simultaneous/parallel. Time only exists so we can function on earth. Second, pay attention to your body and emotions. If you feel suddenly different while in certain cities or countries, types of places (such as near water, mountains, in a church, school, etc) you may be remembering a past life.

If a past life is still bothering you, this means there's things about it that are unresolved. If you meditate and/or still your mind, you may get pieces of information on the unresolved lifetime. If you can't get information, or unsure if its a past life, you can always try working on the past life and see what happens. You don't need to know anything to do some work on it.

A common unresolved issue is having your past life self, or people with you in this past life, not crossed over to the other side. You or they may be a lost soul who is still struggling from the life they were in which is a bleed through to your current self negatively impacting your emotions and mental state. You can think of this as a fragment of your/or other people's soul still lost due to a difficult or unresolved situation.

You can ask your Higher Self (your spirit that never dies and lives on) to pinpoint any lost souls and state the following:
  • I ask that all lost souls, connected to this past life are disconnected/spliced out from everybody and everything including my brain, blood, mental, emotional, physical body and DNA using the no time and no space cocoon. I ask to encircle them in a bubble of loving crystalline energy, activate their codes for ascension to move them to their highest frequency of light and activate their 144 DNA Strings to access the highest level aspects of self to help them cross through the tunnel of light to their next highest level destination. 
  • I ask to repair all lost souls’ etheric bodies so they can cross over more successfully using the no time and no space cocoon. I ask that a tunnel of light appears with any loved ones and spirit guides to cross them over with the perpetual message that all is forgiven, there is only love and a loving place to go to.  Any hell or purgatory or bad things happening after you die are belief systems that are not the true nature of reality. You don’t need to see anyone you don’t want to see, on the other side, but you’ll find that everybody loves you and no-one is concerned about this lifetime anymore.  You can come back to see anyone who is left behind, once you cross, and you’ll find that you’ll be more helpful since the tunnel of light will cleanse away all the worries and problems from this life and leave you with love and wisdom to share once you go back to visit your loved ones. If you don’t cross, they feel your worry and pain which makes things harder for them. (You can say anything else to them that comes to you to help them cross over--any messages that will make them feel safe to go.) We ask that the 11th dimensional guides ensure that all souls have crossed over using the no time and no space cocoon.
If you cross someone over, and you're sensitive to energies, you will feel lighter and more free. If you can't tell, you can always try the above reading a few different times to see if you can notice a difference. 

Once you feel the lost souls have crossed over, ask that the timeline is closed up and the difficult memories are erased and transformed into full resolution and love.

As you get good at working with past lives, other things will come to you to work on such as guilt and regrets you may be holding onto and other beliefs and emotions that you just can't shake. Unresolved past lives always fit with how you're feeling in your current life. That's why its helpful to work on them. Resolving past lives can make you feel more resolved in your current life. It can be helpful to see an energy worker to help with this and/or use other healing tools to help you let go of the past. 

Healing yourself heals everyone since we're all interconnected. Healing your past lives helps resolve these issues for all! 

Maureen Higgins owns Wings of Freedom, an alternative counseling and coaching business. She helps people be their best selves and recognize they are part of the Divine. Maureen has developed numerous energetic healing systems you can learn through her classes. Some of them are turned into audios that clear your energy field like a one-on-one session. Visit her site to try the free sample “Activating your Divine Light Codes. Maureen is proud to announce her new website School for Higher Consciousness

Look at Wings of Freedom's YouTube Channel  to learn about how Spirituality and the Sciences go together, more about ascension and other topics.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Change is Here--you are part of a growing movement!

We are in an era of great change capable of letting the past go to a much larger extent than ever before!

Our bodies tend to hold onto the old--old memories, emotions, beliefs, patterns and behaviors. Its a human thing that we all do. There are positive energies coming onto the planet, since 1999, that are making it more and more possible to let these old things go and raise the frequency of our physical bodies making us feel lighter and more conscious. The letting go process started out slowly, in 1999 (a prediction that the Mayan calendar showed us), with a little more momentum in 2005 with energetic shifts speeding up our letting go process significantly in 2012.

In 2012 I knew we were entering a new doorway into something quite different and felt like we were really moving into what some of us call 6D (6th dimension) reality. However, this was really the beginning of clearing the past and raising our physical body's frequency, in earnest, so we can let go of our clunky, dense humanness.

New healing protocols started coming in for me, in 2005, shown to me by working on friends and clients. One of my first healing protocols is called Cellular Activation. This protocol removes inner blocks keeping the body at a low frequency set-point so its easier for the body to let go of the past. This protocol has 25 steps and, up until 2008, needed to be done one step at a time. Even done at this slow pace, it was like a roller coaster ride for people with just one step!  After many people went through this slow and tumultuous ride, it was very easy for people to do all 25 steps in one session! In fact, people felt great afterwards since the body was now letting go of the past more easily.

I believe it became easier for people to do Cellular Activation, and other higher level processes, because many people were working on themselves, during this timeframe, which created a critical mass shift.   A critical mass shift is when enough people transform, or do something, so that everyone then benefits. Since 2005, many healing protocols have been shown to me creating four manuals with each manual being between 60 and 90 pages! One of the manuals was co-written with my friend and colleague Cecilia Olivares from Mexico.

I know that, when I'm seeing healing protocols/processes, others are open to seeing them too in their own way. I think of it as a collective energetic window or portal opening up that gives humanity new information.  Those who are open to it, and motivated to do so, are able to read the messages that can help self and others. These healing protocols, myself and others are seeing, are helping what many call the ascension process which is what some call 6D (6th dimension) and others call 5D (5th dimension).

I think of 5D as being the birth canal that brings us into 6D but it really doesn't matter what you call it.  We're all seeing it as a frequency the human body is preparing to hold so we can be at a higher vibration more aligned with love, compassion or unity/Oneness consciousness.

Whether you're consciousness of the change or not, this is happening for everyone despite the chaos on the planet. In fact, chaos transforms the old into the new. Also, unconscious problems, coming into consciousness, start moving into the superconscious or light bringing huge change!

Healing yourself heals everyone since we're all interconnected. Let's all join hands to consciously support one another on better lives for all!


Maureen Higgins owns Wings of Freedom, an alternative counseling and coaching business. She helps people be their best selves and recognize they are part of the Divine. Maureen has developed numerous energetic healing systems you can learn through her classes. Some of them are turned into audios that clear your energy field like a one-on-one session. Visit her site to try the free sample “Activating your Divine Light Codes. Maureen is proud to announce her new website School for Higher Consciousness

Look at Wings of Freedom's YouTube Channel  to learn about how Spirituality and the Sciences go together, more about ascension and other topics.

Monday, September 30, 2019

Back to France--More on Past Lives

My first time to Paris felt like home. This was due to a past life I recalled in 1999 where I was a man named Joseph living in Paris during the 1700's. I wrote about this trip in an earlier blog in May 2018.

The first time I saw myself, as Joseph, I felt bad about myself. I had lots of guilt and regrets. My first thoughts were, "I could have helped so many people but didn't." I had memories of being a womanizer and financier connected to politics.  Notre Dame came up as a place I visited that was very dark. It was used for secret meetings that were not good.  Seemed to me that church and state were using some sort of satanism/black arts. I shuttered when I saw this. Made sense why I was so committed to the path of helping others today--my karmic payback!

Joseph's friend, Pierre, was an artist who was commissioned to paint people due to his talent for this. In my current life, Pierre is my close friend Denise who is very creative and loves the arts. I tried finding the two of us on the internet since I felt sure we were somewhat well known but could never find us.

I worked on my lifetime as Joseph many times over the years. I worked on clearing the guilt and regret, the self-judgement and pain I caused myself due to how I hurt others. One day I realized that Joseph hadn't crossed over which locked in the pain from that lifetime. Crossing him over helped immensely--much of the guilt and regret disappeared as this aspect of my soul was now free to heal.

I went back to Paris in May 2019.  Pierre/Denise was with me. We went near Notre Dame to see how it was faring, after it partially burned down, due to a recent fire. We noticed that the energy was different now. Whatever dark experiences I participated within those walls, as Joseph, seemed to partly disappear due to the fire.

After we went to Paris together, I found us on the internet with my first try. Its as though we needed to visit the area, together, in order to find who we were there! My name was Joseph Duverney and Denise was Pierre Gobert.

A little later I watched the TV series, Outlander, and saw Joseph Duverney's character in the second season! I was floored that all my searching yielded nothing until Denise and I--past life Pierre and Joseph--walked the area together!  Joseph was portrayed as a friendly man but definitely a womanizer worried that his wife would find out about his escapades--very in character with what I remembered! He was also a banker connected to the politics of the day.

This past life definitely shaped my current life.  I came back, as my current self, to help others heal due to the pain I caused in this challenging lifetime. Our past lives shape all of us. We are like actors and actresses in a play. We act out different characters with varying challenges, flaws, gifts and talents to learn and grow. Many times we come back to work through a lifetime as someone quite the opposite of the character we played in another lifetime or at least someone who can resolve the old challenges.

We're now in an era where we can work through our many lifetimes.  This helps all the people connected to our many lifetimes. Some people call this the "ascension" process where we're moving above these varying lifetimes so we're more aligned with truth and love.

Healing yourself heals everyone since we're all interconnected! Healing yourself can change the path for humanity into one better for everyone!

Maureen Higgins owns Wings of Freedom, an alternative counseling and coaching business. She helps people be their best selves and recognize they are part of the Divine. Maureen has developed numerous energetic healing systems you can learn through her classes. Some of them are turned into audios that clear your energy field like a one-on-one session. Visit her site to try the free sample “Activating your Divine Light Codes. Maureen is proud to announce her new website School for Higher Consciousness

Look at Wings of Freedom's YouTube Channel  to learn about how Spirituality and the Sciences go together, more about ascension and other topics.

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Daily Practices to Keep you Feeling Good!

I belong to a community committed to higher consciousness also known as unity consciousness or Oneness consciousness.  We call ourselves,"Community for Higher Consciousness" or CHC. 

We believe we're at the doorway to a critical mass shift, to a better world, where we recognize that we're really all One and interconnected despite the seemingly opposite notion many have that we're totally separate. Recognizing our Oneness--that the actions of one ripples down to everyone--is necessary as we make changes for a healthy humanity and planet.

We developed a website named Community for Higher Consciousness, to give information and assistance during this era of change.

Our group talked about how helpful it is to have a daily practice to feel balanced and connected to higher consciousness.  We talked about which daily techniques we use to make us feel better.  A couple of us felt led to write about it including myself.

One of the big things I do, and teach in my workshops, is using a "Star of David" grid to keep the house or work space clear.  This wonderful, powerfully positive star was used in ancient Egypt to bring their intentions to fruition. Today, the star is most commonly used by the Jewish community to represent their faith.

The Star of David consists of a triangle going up and a triangle going down. The triangle going up is about bringing intentions from the heavens down to the earth; the triangle going down is about bringing them to fruition on earth.

There is a system you can set up, using the Star of David, where you read your positive intentions and ask that they're locked into the Star of David grid to keep your house or work space clear from negativity. It works so well that there's an obvious difference if its not set up. Myself, and others in the group, teach how to set up this grid but its not exclusive to our community. I learned how to do it, years ago, from two teachers I took workshops from. Finding someone to teach you this technique is extremely helpful since having a house or workspace clear of negativity keeps you feeling better so you can make better choices in life. Its not complicated but too much to teach on a blog.

Each morning, and evening, I tune into my body to see what's going on with it. The body is the barometer on what's happening with each of us. If my body feels stressed or painful in an area, I figure I have something to let go of and heal. I then keep a pinpointed focus on the painful, tense and emotional areas. I typically see images on what I need to let go of and/or feel the emotions that are trapped there or get "knowings" on what's going on with myself or simply feel heavy or feel pain. Sometimes I'll see colors. I then stay with whatever my experience is until things lighten up and feel better. The premise is "whatever you resist persists; whatever you stay with will transform. If my body is resistant that day, I go back to it later on since everyone can have resistance. Typically the more resistant, the bigger the shift that wants to take place. If it takes a lot to work through, best to get some assistance from a practitioner.

Sometimes, when focusing on my body, my attention will be moved away from my body to something outside of myself. I may notice that, what I'm experiencing, is not my own. It may be an ancestral issue, a past or simultaneous life issue or I'm allowing someone to tap/cord into my energy field due to an issue we have together that needs to be solved. My belief is that about 80% of what's going on with each of us is not our own stuff. The sciences are showing this to be true by showing that we inherit at least 14 generations of our ancestral memories on a DNA level. New research shows that each cell in our body has a protein in it that acts as an antenna attracting broadcasts or things outside of ourselves. This shows that very little or none of our reality is our own. Perhaps they are programs or holograms. The latter research is described on a video by Bruce Lipton author of "Biology of Belief."

Once I've identified any issues, outside of myself, I'll start doing the work on myself. I have many energetic tools to work on personal, ancestral and other lifetime issues. I've also seen other people to help with, whatever is going on with myself, since I was 28 years old. I've always believed we need others to help us understand ourselves more fully. Its essential for anyone working in the helping fields so they can stay as internally clear as possible. It helps to work through unconscious blocks with an outside perspective.

When I work with clients, using the "checking on the body" technique, everyone is different on how they experience their body. Some people are very good at sensing everything about their body whereas some can't tell at all what's going on. If you can't tell, keep practicing it and see how it goes since skills can improve as you keep trying to use them. If this doesn't work, you can still intuit what may be going on or work on all categories of issues (personal, ancestral, other lifetimes, the collective) to fully heal.

I teach people clearing skills through workshops, this blog and have audios to help people work through their issues. I listen to the audios and do the techniques I teach daily to keep myself energetically clear.

The most important message of this blog. Find a healing practice that works for you and do it daily. This helps keep your energy field as clear as possible so you can feel happier, lighter and freer.

Healing yourself heals everyone since we're all interconnected! Healing yourself DOES make a difference to change the path for humanity.

Maureen Higgins owns Wings of Freedom, an alternative counseling and coaching business. She helps people be their best selves and recognize they are part of the Divine. Maureen has developed numerous energetic healing systems you can learn through her classes. Some of them are turned into audios that clear your energy field like a one-on-one session. Visit her site to try the free sample “Activating your Divine Light Codes. Maureen is proud to announce her new website School for Higher Consciousness

Look at Wings of Freedom's YouTube Channel  to learn about how Spirituality and the Sciences go together, more about ascension and other topics.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Understanding Simultaneous/Parallel Lifetimes

Many people understand we've had past lives but not many people think about having simultaneous/parallel lifetimes. What does this even mean?

This means we're having a lifetime, somewhere else, at the same time we're living our current life. This may seem impossible but the new sciences such as quantum physics, quantum entanglement and plank theory tell us this is a real possibility.

When I work with clients, I see (using intuitive sight) what's going on in their energy field to determine how I can help them. Many times there's a simultaneous lifetime on a different planet, or in a different frequency on our planet, that is bleeding through to their current life. When this happens, the emotions, pain, and challenges going on there, along with the gifts and happy situations, can be felt by your current self.

If its a past life, its easier to resolve challenges because the lifetime is mostly complete. Someone may not be crossed over or a timeline may need to be closed up along with cleansing the energy field of the issues, patterns and emotions. Once lost souls are crossed over, timelines closed up and the energy field cleansed, the pain felt from a past life goes away.

When its a simultaneous lifetime, its not that simple.  I was shown, by looking at client's energy fields, how to help with this. Because you are connected to everybody and everything, through a grid system or matrix, healing yourself heals everyone connected to you. To make the healing more effective, you can consciously ask to offer it to those closest to you. I'll give you the abbreviated version, to heal simultaneous lifetimes, so you can start finding some relief from these lifetimes today:
  1. I ask my Higher Self to direct and my optimal spirit guides along with my highest good truth and Source to assist. I ask for an energy of protection and invisibility so only those spirits and guides that are optimal can participate and see in.
  2. I ask that the crystalline dimension/11th dimension, which is all about love, opens up in my space at the highest level I can manage mentally, emotionally and physically and translates into a vibration that promotes optimal health and wellness so that anything below the vibration of love transforms into the vibration of love.
  3. I ask to call in the ancestors on my mother and fathers side of the family both alive and deceased, those influencing me today.
  4. I ask to call in all lifetimes I'm in past, present, future, and those souls with me in these lifetimes,
  5. I ask to call in the collective.
  6. I ask that everything I do with this healing process is throughout all time and space and beyond, all appropriate timelines, dimensions and universes using no time and no space to process.
  7. I ask to pinpoint a simultaneous lifetime that is causing challenges in my current lifetime.
  8. I ask that my simultaneous self is also pinpointed.
  9. I ask to bring in a higher vibrational aspect of my soul from the 11th dimension, which is all about love, and an 8th or 9th dimensional aspect of my soul which has an advanced thinking and feeling state, and ask that they merge with my current and simultaneous self to delete and transform any issues, patterns, beliefs, emotions, memories and behaviors not serving me using a no time and no space cocoon. 
  10. I ask that anyone influencing me, in this simultaneous lifetime, is pinpointed along with pinpointing their current selves if they're in both realities. 
  11. I ask, if their Higher Self approves, an 11th and 8th or 9th dimensional aspect of their soul merges with them as well to delete and transform any issues, patterns, beliefs, emotions, memories and behaviors not serving them using the no time and no space cocoon.
  12. I ask to pinpoint all lower realm entities (these are negative beings that exist in low vibrational places that influence us--its a temporary role for them) and unweave/splice them out from everybody and everything and encapsulate them in a bubble of loving, crystalline energy. I ask that an 11th dimensional aspect of their soul merges with them to transform them to their highest level self and ask that their codes for ascension are activated so they can move to the highest frequency of light and ask that they cross through the tunnel of light to their next highest level destination using the no time and no space cocoon.
  13. I ask to pinpoint all lost souls and encircle them in a bubble of loving crystalline energy. I ask that a tunnel of light appears along with loved ones and spirit guides to cross them over with the perpetual message that this lifetime is over with. Its time to move on to a better place. There is only love and a loving place to go to. Hell and purgatory are belief systems--they're not the true nature of reality. Love is the true nature of reality once you let go of this lifetime. You don't need to see anyone you don't want to see but once people cross over, they're not the same anymore--everybody has let go of that lifetime and look forward to seeing you but you don't need to see them if you don't want to. You can cross over and come back to see loved ones. By crossing over, you'll cleanse away all your worries from that lifetime so you can come back to see them with more love and wisdom to share. If you don't cross over, they will feel your worry and pain which won't help them. 
  14. I ask that my simultaneous self and current self merge together, if my Higher Self approves.  I ask that all people in the simultaneous and current lifetime merge together as well, if their Higher Selves approve. I ask that this neutralizes the bleed through between the simultaneous and current life and ask to delete and transform any of the issues, patterns, beliefs, memories, emotions and behaviors not serving us using the no time and no space cocoon.
  15. I ask that all aspects of my soul duplicate all the most optimal gifts, talents and attributes and share them with the other aspects of my soul so that all aspects are carrying the most optimal gifts, talents and qualities of the other using the no time and no space cocoon.
  16. Once the work is done, I ask that all aspects of my soul, and those that participated, go back to where they belong and all the work they did is integrated, processed, restructured, recalibrated and grounded with their physical and energy bodies using the no time and no space cocoon.
  17. I thank my Higher Self for directing and my optimal spirit guides for assisting and ask that they continue to assist throughout completion of this process and beyond using no time and no space to process.
There is much more going on than what we see with our physical eyes. We can heal ourselves, more fully, by working with the unseen worlds which is about 98% of the cosmos. Healing yourself heals your ancestors, all lifetimes you're in past, present, future and the collective itself. Healing yourself heals everyone!

Maureen Higgins owns Wings of Freedom, an alternative counseling and coaching business. She helps people be their best selves and recognize they are part of the Divine. Maureen has developed numerous energetic healing systems you can learn through her classes. Some of them are turned into audios that clear your energy field like a one-on-one session. Visit her site to try the free sample “Activating your Divine Light Codes. Maureen is proud to announce her new website School for Higher Consciousness

Look at Wings of Freedom's YouTube Channel  to learn about how Spirituality and the Sciences go together, more about ascension and other topics.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Acceptance and New Perceptions bring in Happiness!

A couple months ago, I decided to do a meditation where I went into a future timeline to seek answers for my current self. I wanted to see if my future, wiser self would give key information to help my life optimally today. I didn't ask to visit a particular age--whichever age was most helpful.

I pictured myself going through a short tunnel of light into this future timeline and was met by my future self around age 85. This is 27 years into the future.  My future self was filled with energy and very happy. She was so excited to see me--seemed to expect me. She announced, "life is so much fun--its such an adventure! Just love how things are here." My future self said things were different on earth. People were more cooperative with each other--things were more harmonious throughout the planet.  Humanity had made a shift in consciousness. 

A month after this meditation, I decided to visit myself, in a future timeline again. I was greeted by myself around age 70.  I looked peaceful.  Again, she seemed to expect me. I asked my future self if she had any advice for me. She said, "the key to happiness is to accept everything."

It is true we can paint a fairytale description on how our life should be and then feel disappointed that we didn't reach these made up or societal made up expectations. The fairytale may include: we should get married to a perfect and/or certain type of spouse, be such a good parent that our children are super well adjusted and happy, have a certain amount of money, etc.

Having dreams is good but life isn't the way we always think. We may have come into this life to work through karma with our spouse so it may not be that easy.  This difficult relationship may actually help our soul growth.  Our child may have mental health issues or other disabilities that good parenting may not solve. Although having abundance is a good goal, making a certain dollar amount isn't the key to happiness. 

Life may not turn out how we think. Perhaps the way we looked at things may be the issue--not the way our life really has been. Even if its been extremely difficult, we can let go of it and create a different present and future. Perhaps the extremely difficult things made us amazing people who are filled with purpose. 

The main thing is to work on our personal growth, do the best we can with our relationships and love people and self along the way.  And remember that life is messy at times--for everyone.

"Accepting everything" may actually be part of the shift humanity is gearing up for. Changing our perceptions to accepting ourselves and our lives may be the key to our happiness and to humanities success.

Maureen Higgins owns Wings of Freedom, an alternative counseling and coaching business. She helps people be their best selves and recognize they are part of the Divine. Maureen has developed numerous energetic healing systems you can learn through her classes. Some of them are turned into audios that clear your energy field like a one-on-one session. Visit her site to try the free sample “Activating your Divine Light Codes. Maureen is proud to announce her new website School for Higher Consciousness

Look at Wings of Freedom's YouTube Channel  to learn about how Spirituality and the Sciences go together, more about ascension and other topics.

Look at Community for Higher Consciousness YouTube Channel to hear Joan Steffend's interviews of children on "kindness" and other topics.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Surrendering Challenges to your Higher Self for Optimal Outcome

Human nature is to worry and create stories in our head that may or may not be true. These worries and false realities put up walls in our field making it difficult to bring in the very things we'd like to create.

The body tends to hold onto the past making you believe you are these past experiences. These old storylines you're carrying can make it harder for your mind, emotions and body to function.

How do you let go of old stories you hold onto or fabricate so you can manifest optimal outcome? The best solution is to surrender/hand them over to your Higher Self which is your spirit that never dies and knows everything about you past, present, future.

A fast technique is to think of your mind, emotions and body like a computer with too much data on it. This overload of worry, past and fabricated stories makes it hard to function optimally. Your brain and body may not want to let go of these things since it may feel the need to access these stories "just in case..."  Think of your Higher Self as the cloud--an off site storage system.  The cloud/Higher Self will keep track of these stories and worries so you feel okay with letting them go. You can imagine/ask that your mind, emotions and body download/transfer the worries and stories to the Higher Self. See this happening for yourself.

You can also ask to pinpoint the optimal future timeline that your Higher Self wants for you and ask to bring it to your current timeline so you are in this new reality, energetically, now.  Imagine a doorway is opening to the future where your optimal solutions have already manifested themselves. You will likely not get any or much detail on what's in store for you which is actually good. Knowing too much takes away from being open to optimal outcome. Instead, allow the feeling of being resolved or attracting your optimal good wash over you.

The more open you are to optimal outcome, and hand over issues and problems to your Higher Self, the more open your energy field is to attract your highest good.

Offer this way of Being to your ancestors, all lifetimes your soul has been in/is in and the collective itself . We are all interconnected via a giant matrix or energy field that can be thought of as the Oneness field,  Everything you heal or bring in for yourself helps others.

Attracting your highest good helps everyone attract their highest good. Let's all join hands and move to our highest, optimal timeline together!

Maureen Higgins owns Wings of Freedom, an alternative counseling and coaching business. She helps people be their best selves and recognize they are part of the Divine. Maureen has developed numerous energetic healing systems you can learn through her classes. Some of them are turned into audios that clear your energy field like a one-on-one session. Visit her site to try the free sample “Activating your Divine Light Codes. Maureen is proud to announce her new website School for Higher Consciousness

Look at Wings of Freedom's YouTube Channel  to learn about how Spirituality and the Sciences go together, more about ascension and other topics.

Look at Community for Higher Consciousness YouTube Channel to hear Joan Steffend's interviews of children on "kindness" and other topics.