Monday, October 11, 2021

Merging Timelines

We are currently in a historic shift bringing us into a new world! It may appear to be dismal, dark, scary and trapping but whenever we have the biggest challenges is when we are ready for the biggest break-throughs!

It helps to see that we are all part of a Oneness field.  We, as a Oneness field, decided to experience many realities from hate to love to see what they are like. We separated into what appears to be separate experiences. We are all actors and actresses in a human play or movie. These roles are temporary since we live in a very temporary reality. Sometimes we play the hero; sometimes we play the biggest lesson giver and anything in-between.

Many, myself included, believe we are at a point in our evolution where we are ready to rise above these lower vibrational states of consciousness. This requires working on ourselves, accepting our humanness and recognizing we are Divine Beings having a human experience--we are none of these experiences. 

Knowing this allows your body to attach less to the past and recognize your experiences are not who you are. Due to our interconnectedness as a Oneness field, working on yourself, and choosing the highest level path for yourself, affects everybody and everything!

You can ask to merge our current, challenging timeline, which is what you and everyone is experiencing now, with the optimal future timeline where unity consciousness exists internally and externally, and where all the goals your Higher Self and the collective want have been manifested.  You can ask that these two timelines are merged with our current timeline and self now. 

It's possible to do this since there is no time and no space in our photon universe which creates matter. Also, we are unaware of, cannot observe, 98% of the universe which is called dark matter. Therefore we are only aware of 2% of our reality. Why not invite in the optimal 98% to create something optimal for self thus humanity?!

How can you merge your current timeline with the optimal present/future timeline?

A lot of this is about intention since this creates our reality. Before starting the exercise, state the following:

  1. I ask my Higher Self to direct and my optimal spirit guides aligned with my highest, good, truth and Source/Oneness field to assist me.
  2. I ask that the collective, including earth and all living consciousness in all timelines, dimensions and universes is offered this this process with each Higher Self deciding what they accept.
  3. I ask for an energy of protection and invisibility so that only those spirit and guides that are optimal can participate and see in.
  4. I ask that the crystalline dimension, which is all about love, opens up in my space at the highest level I can manage mentally, emotionally and physically and translates into a vibration that is optimal for my mind, emotions and body.
  5. I ask that the vibration of love goes into the iron core within the center of the planet, the ley-lines throughout the planet and the electromagnetic field around the planet to delete, splice out and transform the issues, patterns, beliefs, memories, emotions and behaviors not serving the collective, including divisiveness, into full resolution, love and unity consciousness using the no time and no space cocoon. (No time and no space cocoon is like wrapping yourself in a cocoon where there is no time and no space so things can process out of time and space as we know it which makes things happen faster and easier on the body too.)
  6. I ask that my intentions go throughout all timelines, dimensions and universes using no time and no space to process.
Now close your eyes. Imagine, know or feel that you are walking down a path that is heading towards the optimal path for you and the collective which includes humanity, the earth, and all living consciousness. 

As you walk down this path, see, feel, know, trust that you are bringing this energy into you and that you are sending it out to everybody and everything. Stay with it as long as you feel guided.

Once done state:
  1. I ask for new templates structures and geometry for myself and the collective so I/we have a blueprint for the new so my body/the collective knows how to be with the new and without the old, has a container for the new and the attracting energies for the new. I ask to connect up with everybody and everything through the new. Anything that doesn't fit the new is deleted, spliced out and transformed into the new using a no time and no space cocoon.
  2. I ask to restructure and recalibrate all energy fields that effect me/the collective into the new pattern reflecting the work I/we did today throughout all time and space and beyond, all appropriate timelines, dimensions and universes using no time and no space to process.
  3. I thank my Higher Self for directing and my optimal spirit guides for assisting. I also thank the collective and all living consciousness in all timelines, dimensions and universes for being a part of this.
The more of us that affirm an optimal path in the present/future for ourselves and the collective, the quicker we all move into our optimal path(s). Let's join hands and do this work together!

Maureen Higgins owns Wings of Freedom, an alternative counseling and coaching business. She helps people be their best selves and recognize they are part of the Divine. Maureen has developed numerous energetic healing systems you can learn through her classes. Some of them are turned into audios that clear your energy field like a one-on-one session. Visit her site to try the free sample “Activating your Divine Light Codes. Maureen is proud to announce her new website School for Higher Consciousness

Look at Wings of Freedom's YouTube Channel  to learn about how Spirituality and the Sciences go together, more about ascension and other topics.

Look at higher consciousness blogs, practitioners and videos under

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

We are the Divine

(First published on The Edge Magazine

Our physical body’s ability to hold a higher vibration of light has been accelerating since 2005.  The purpose is to align with love, compassion and freedom and create a critical mass shift into a better humanity.  

Humanity has come a long ways in personal growth in recent years which ultimately leads to a higher vibration. Personal transformation work was mostly taboo until the 1970’s. Even until the late 1970’s, people (mostly women) were put in the mental institute if they didn’t conform to what society thought was normal. Anything from being rebellious to postpartum depression to menopause could land you there. My Grandma Sherman used to say, “If you have too many problems, you’ll end up at Anoka State Hospital.” I always figured a family member ended up there and she was giving a subtle warning. Before the threat of the mental institution, thinking differently than what authority figures dictated got you tortured or killed. We’ve always had some sort of threat to our well-being if we didn’t follow what leadership, family and society wanted us to believe and do. Even if the thinking didn’t make sense or was unfair.

We made some progress with personal development in the 1970’s. Some people went to therapy but it wasn’t common. Therapy, until the 2000’s was mostly talk therapy which only helped minimally. Working on self was like pushing a boulder up a mountain. Everything was slow and arduous. Now psychologists have more tools to help their clients. There’s also a variety of practitioners and energetic tools to help you let go of the past and energetically heal yourself. You can learn how to use these tools yourself.

Many pioneers, such as yourself, came to earth at this time to transform their personal, ancestral, other lifetimes and collective issues which in turn raises the body’s set-point to a vibration closer to the quality of love which then helps everyone. When a certain percentage of the population raises their vibration closer to love, it automatically shifts others to a higher vibration due to the interconnectedness of everybody and everything. 

Our transformation got accelerated in 2005. I began noticing upgrades showing up in my clients energy field to help them let go of the past more quickly.  I started writing down the upgrades and energetic healing processes shown to me and began doing them on all client who were ready for them.

The first two transformational upgrade protocols were shown to me I called “Disconnection from the Collective Shadow” (DCS) and “Cellular Activation” (CA). These two protocols help disconnect people from the heavier issues of the collective, remove blocks in the chakra system so we can let go of the past more fully, bring in life purpose codes, shift our aura to attract higher level experiences and bring in master energies to raise our frequency. 

These two processes needed to be done slowly between 2005 to 2008 and took around one year to do on someone since people went into deep processing from them.  After doing DCS/CA, client’s emotions started coming up like they’d taken an emotional diuretic! Despite the emotional and physical pain from these processes, the pioneers kept doing the work knowing, in their hearts, they signed up to do this deep work for themselves and for the collective. Now it takes one session to do these two protocols and people feel great afterwards! All because we hit a critical mass shift due to more and more people working on themselves!

Many new upgrades and energetic healing processes have been shown to me and other pioneers in the energy work field since 2005. These processes have lightened our physical self and brought in new insights, a higher vibration and more depth in our relationships. 

My take is we’re making an evolutionary shift in consciousness and becoming a new human species. We’re being upgraded to know that “We are the Divine.” Everyone is—no exceptions. The hope is that earth’s highly polarized experiences can be lessened so we can enjoy a more harmonious existence with each other.

As we’re doing our personal work, the darker, denser problems of the collective have been coming up very quickly since our personal work affects everybody and everything since we are all interconnected. 

The difficulties in our world can be hard to see and acknowledge. We’ve been in a particularly dark time within the last couple of years due to covid-19. With it has come fearful messaging, lock-downs, censorship and experimental therapies. However, these dark, dense problems have always been there in some form. We need to be brave and see what’s really happening in our world. We need to follow our hearts on what’s really truth so we can create a world we desire.

The work we’ve been doing has prepared us for times like these. We’ve had our mind, emotions and body’s upgraded so we can handle the truth. We’re now getting ready to move into Divine Truth along with actions that match what we know to be true. Let’s join hands and stand firmly in our truth together to bring forth a better world. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.

Maureen Higgins owns Wings of Freedom, an alternative counseling and coaching business. She helps people be their best selves and recognize they are part of the Divine. Maureen has developed numerous energetic healing systems you can learn through her classes. Some of them are turned into audios that clear your energy field like a one-on-one session. Visit her site to try the free sample “Activating your Divine Light Codes. Maureen is proud to announce her new website School for Higher Consciousness

Look at Wings of Freedom's YouTube Channel  to learn about how Spirituality and the Sciences go together, more about ascension and other topics.

Look at higher consciousness blogs, practitioners and videos under

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Activating our Light Codes

(First published on The Edge Magazine

May was an intense month but for a good purpose. We have light codes within our DNA that are starting to activate so we can carry a higher frequency of light.

What does this mean?

We may not feel quite ourselves. As these codes activate, the old ways of thinking, feeling and behaving begins deconstructing itself which can sometimes feel unpleasant. You may have a heavy, fuzzy head, you may have a hard time thinking at times, your emotions may fluctuate or you may wonder, “who am I?”

To receive some background on these light codes, I’ll share the experiences of three clients that occurred within a one week period of time in 2000. They wanted to understand themselves but discovered something much bigger than their individual lives.

A woman, Cindy, came to me for a session where we used guided imagery (a less deep technique than hypnosis) to get in touch with what was bothering her. During the session, she saw herself as a human on earth during ancient times. A loved one had died and she was communicating with them like you would someone who moved to a different town or country except she used telepathic communication. She was hearing about her loved ones new journey and felt happy for them. Suddenly the conversation abruptly ended and Cindy bolted upright. Her words were, “something went wrong—we can’t communicate with our loved ones anymore.” This abrupt cut-off from her deceased loved ones was still effecting her today.

Fortunately, Susan came in a few days later. Susan had a guided imagery session as well and found herself as a human who was part of the Galactic Council—a UN of sorts. She said that humans were not allowed to be on the council anymore since our egos made it hard for the council to function the way they felt fit. We were completely cut off so couldn’t communicate with anyone outside our human sphere. She felt betrayed and abandoned by the Galactic Council which effected how she felt in her current life.

I then wondered if we could somehow reconnect with these gifts again. Larry came in the following week to shed some light on my question since I did a guided imagery on him as well.

Larry’s guided imagery showed him as a keeper of light codes from ancient times. The light codes were within all humans and were to be protected from those who didn’t want us to feel connected to other realms including the Divine. He talked about how lower realm entities want us to stay in pain and a state of disconnection since it currently benefited them. He was protecting the light codes until humans were ready to safely activate them again.

Now is the time to connect back up to the higher realms. We have been in this process for awhile but activating our light codes is the next step. Let go of how this should look and feel. As the Hopi Elder’s say, “We are the Ones we’ve been waiting for.”

Maureen Higgins owns Wings of Freedom, an alternative counseling and coaching business. She helps people be their best selves and recognize they are part of the Divine. Maureen has developed numerous energetic healing systems you can learn through her classes. Some of them are turned into audios that clear your energy field like a one-on-one session. Visit her site to try the free sample “Activating your Divine Light Codes. Maureen is proud to announce her new website School for Higher Consciousness

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Messages from Other Worlds: Our Spirit Guides Speak, Part 3

My Colleague Kristin Volk Funk and I wanted to see what messages other worlds and realms have for us about the state of our planet.  We decided to do hypnosis on 39 people to find answers to our questions by bringing them to advanced lifetimes where they have information about 2020 and beyond. My last post, Part 2, talked about going to future lifetimes that are more advanced, and Part 1 talked about going to what many called the galactic council or federation.

This blog, Part 3, will talk about what many called the "void" or "Oneness field" where everybody and everything is one stream of consciousness. Below are some of the excerpts from these experiences..

The first person who went to the void or Oneness field, talked a lot about the brokenness of the planet and our perception of this brokenness. 

"I'm in a void filled with pink light. At the same time it's a void almost like a womb but doesn't have any boundaries. I'm not differentiated from the bubble. I'm one with the bubble, this void. I am the void.

Planet earth is really broken right now and it's brokenness is critical. It's received as critical by all the beings on the planet. They all have their different perspectives on how they interpret that. The common one is to see themselves in opposition to what they identify as the cause or the reason for this brokenness but the brokenness is the same for everyone.  The brokenness is just a stage of evolution of the planet."

The second person went to a place where he was holding a frequency or thought that was needed on earth to make positive changes. The purpose is to get enough souls to hold this frequency or thought to create a critical mass shift that then creates a new existence.

"It feels like earth but better. The first thing that comes to mind is placeholder. I think it’s a vibrational placeholder like herd immunity. You need a certain portion of the population to hold a new thought or frequency of existence. So placeholder."

The third person communicated with all the advanced lifetimes she was in simultaneously.  Her simultaneous lifetimes formed a Oneness field she can communicate with. She illustrates how we are much more than one individual lifetime.

"I’m a part of the interconnectedness of life. I can see and feel all different dimensions simultaneous. I feel like I’m outside of a body and simultaneously myself but I’m with others who are also a part of a bigger me. It’s a collective of me. We are a harmonious group of light beings. A collective is truly what we are."

The fourth person felt the individuality and Oneness simultaneously.

"It feels like the home I miss. It’s the longing I feel inside of me. To be here and to know this freedom. Freedom from that body! I feel light and the lightness of who I am. I’m so grateful. I am both alone and together. I’m here and I have others but we are one so I’m alone but we’re never alone. It is the longing for truth, connection, love, peace, grace, joy, light.  It feels good. I’m taking it in."

She went on to talk about the state of the planet and humanity.

"You can’t create from the old so you have to watch the patterns change and disassemble and crumble and there is a beauty in that. There is a beauty in that since we all knew on some level that we could not go further. We could not go further than what we had done. To go further would have destroyed the earth. To go further would destroy the human. It feels like, to many, that it has destroyed the humans but it has not—it is empowering the humans to see beyond the structures that they have created. To see that there is possibility. that growth is of their own making. It is a time to remember what do you want in this world? Where do you want to go with your life? It’s a time to claim your independence and to claim your togetherness. It doesn’t look like that right now but it is moving in that direction quickly."

These experiences of the void and Oneness show that we are much more than this individual consciousness yet we can still access an individual self to have a unique experience on earth and other lifetimes. They also spoke to how humanity and earth is in a time of change and that we have all agreed to experience this together.

An important message is that the more of us who decide to be "placeholders" for this new frequency of positive change or new thought, the easier it will be to create a better world. Let's join our hands and hearts and create a better world together!

Keep posted for our upcoming book, "Messages from Other Worlds."

Maureen Higgins owns Wings of Freedom, an alternative counseling and coaching business. She helps people be their best selves and recognize they are part of the Divine. Maureen has developed numerous energetic healing systems you can learn through her classes. Some of them are turned into audios that clear your energy field like a one-on-one session. Visit her site to try the free sample “Activating your Divine Light Codes. Maureen is proud to announce her new website School for Higher Consciousness

Look at Wings of Freedom's YouTube Channel  to learn about how Spirituality and the Sciences go together, more about ascension and other topics.

Look at higher consciousness blogs, practitioners and videos under

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Messages from Other Worlds: Our Spirit Guides Speak, Part 2

My colleague Kristin Volk Funk and I wanted to see what messages other worlds and realms have for us about the state of our planet. We decided to do hypnosis on 39 people to find answers to our questions by bringing them to advanced lifetimes where they had information about 2020 and beyond. My last post talked about how the majority went to the Galactic Council which is comprised of many advanced beings that are watching out for planet earth and trying to help us move forward out of the extreme polarity. This blog will talk about future lifetimes which were talked about by four of our participants.  

All of the future lifetimes were in different timeframes. The following one was in 2232 in what felt like Greece. Below is an excerpt from her hypnosis session: .

"Some of the souls milling about with me I knew in 2020. Some of them are my friends who have recognized themselves to contain the Divine and committed themselves to the expanding of their own consciousness to broadcast the frequencies of compassion and love and forgiveness and joy. We all have different occupations but they are all geared towards helping ourselves and humanity continually practice tapping into the frequencies of our Divine Nature. We are on future earth in 2232. I can’t see very far beyond where I am. The air is clean and the sky is blue. It’s beautiful, green and lush and I live about 1/2 mile from a city center. The city doesn’t look like they used to look. They look like a throw-back from earlier civilizations that were on earth. the buildings are more spread out. I sense that there are less people on the planet than there were in 2020."

Another participants went to 2450 in what today is northern United States area or Southern Canada. She went as her current self viewing her future self and making an analysis of what was going on. Below is her excerpt:

"I'm seeing myself as an old man walking with a cane. I'm some kind of a hermit living outside in the woods and there aren’t as many people. There’s not such big places. People live in smaller groups. I don’t know what happened to the big cities but they are not there. The year is 2450. I can hear the birds as I’m somewhere in the woods. It looks like the forest. It’s very peaceful. I don’t think it’s peaceful everywhere. I think there are pockets of different kinds of negative places with lots of violence. It’s not everywhere like in 2020.  I'm in what used to be the USA or Canada based on the trees.  He/my future self seems very kind. He doesn’t seem like a dangerous person but he’s also very old. It doesn’t feel like there’s as much technology. He says this is the world that might be—that could be. It’s kind of a clean up place. There’s been a long time of cleaning up and now things are starting to settle again into a much more positive place. People know who they are more and that we’re all connected. He says it’s a probable reality—it’s only one probable reality. He says we’re at a place of choice in my current 2020 reality. There’s a collective choice and individual choices."

Another participant had an experience that was more unusual. He appeared to be on earth anchoring advanced frequencies. His excerpt is below.

"Where I'm at feels like earth but better. The first thing that comes to mind is this existence is a placeholder. So I think it’s a vibrational placeholder like herd immunity. You need a certain portion of the population to hold a new thought or frequency to make it into existence. So I'm a placeholder."

The fourth person went to a future life that wasn't on earth but she knew about earth. Her excerpt is below.

"I'm in a lifetime where I know how to read the future—the different timelines. I'm at a castle, formidable wealthy home. Kind of like a mansion. Pointed peaks on it, large windows—very stately but with warmth. There’s some people working on the lawn. Feels like there’s people inside.  My simultaneous self is waiting for me inside. She’s happy. I feel lightness and joy coming from her. She’s really animated. She’s leading me into the house. There’s a lot of light coming into the windows and its well furnished. It has antiques—stately furniture but warmth. There’s places you want to sit. High ceilings, big rooms. She’s going to take me to her study. Feels like I’m afraid to move. There’s a fear of knowing. It’s implanted. She moved it out like an x-ray. Like a partition that separated something. It’s like what you put x-ray film in. Now that it’s out of me, I feel calmer. Now I'm in the room with big high back chairs. It feels cozy but dark—not a lot of sunlight. It’s closed off or protected or something. A fireplace. She holds space—she’s one of the people who anchors energies. It feels like there’s circles of energy around her. Huge balls or globes. She’s one in a group who keeps things in balance. Balance isn’t the right word but she holds that energy.  She helps people come into their gifts. Helps them to hold what they came in to do. She can see the timelines. She points them in the right direction."

The point that stood out most to me is that we're at a choice point right now. Do we want to live in a peaceful, loving, open minded world or continue being polarized and divisive? The way each of us thinks and conducts ourselves matters. Let's focus on being loving and kind in thoughts and actions so we can create a unified, happy world together.

Keep posted for our upcoming book, "Messages from Other Worlds."

Maureen Higgins owns Wings of Freedom, an alternative counseling and coaching business. She helps people be their best selves and recognize they are part of the Divine. Maureen has developed numerous energetic healing systems you can learn through her classes. Some of them are turned into audios that clear your energy field like a one-on-one session. Visit her site to try the free sample “Activating your Divine Light Codes. Maureen is proud to announce her new website School for Higher Consciousness

Look at Wings of Freedom's YouTube Channel  to learn about how Spirituality and the Sciences go together, more about ascension and other topics.

Look at higher consciousness blogs, practitioners and videos under

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Messages from Other Worlds: Our Spirit Guides Speak

Our planet has been going through a lot of divisiveness and struggle over the last year. Everyone has their own beliefs about what happened or is happening.  Humanities divisiveness got me thinking about what do other places of existence think about this? Our friends from the higher realms.

Myself and my colleague, Kristin Volk Funk, decided to do hypnosis sessions on 35 people to see what the collective message is from our friends from more advanced places. We decided it would be interesting to have each hypnosis candidate go to a simultaneous/parallel lifetime where they exist as a more advanced person (also called aspect or being)--more advanced than us on planet earth. A place where this advanced aspect of them knows what is happening to our earth and what we can know to help ourselves here.

It may seem strange that we can exist in more than one place at once but we're starting to recognize that we are multi-dimensional and multi-universe beings. The theory is that your Higher Self, which is your spirit (the part of you that never dies), is like a pomegranate. A pomegranate has many seeds in it. Your human self is one of the seeds. These seeds exist in different frequencies which we'll call Dimensions 1 - 11. The seeds in Dimensions 1 - 4 are lower realm seeds more aligned with hate or more extreme polarity; Dimension 5 is the birth canal to the middle realms;  Dimensions 6 - 9 are the middle realms which are aligned with a much higher level perspective and feeling state than the lower realms and still have a physical body; Dimensions 10 and 11 are all about love and do not really have much form. We have seeds in all of these dimensions. Our human selves have been in Dimensions 3 and 4 and working our way through Dimension 5--the birth canal--and moving to Dimensions 6 or 7.

The majority of our hypnosis candidates went to what they called, "the galactic council" where many groups of advanced beings are watching out for our planet making decisions to help us here. Different council groups are working on different challenges that are going on with our planet. Our human selves are anchoring the good energy and knowledge, the galactic council is offering us, so that it's easier for us to move towards a more harmonious earth.

One message that came through, many of the hypnosis sessions, is that we have more than one timeline we can move into on earth. We have free will choice. Our decision to be in love and non-judgement is key to choosing a better world.

More on this soon!

Keep posted for our upcoming book, "Messages from Other Worlds."

Maureen Higgins owns Wings of Freedom, an alternative counseling and coaching business. She helps people be their best selves and recognize they are part of the Divine. Maureen has developed numerous energetic healing systems you can learn through her classes. Some of them are turned into audios that clear your energy field like a one-on-one session. Visit her site to try the free sample “Activating your Divine Light Codes. Maureen is proud to announce her new website School for Higher Consciousness

Look at Wings of Freedom's YouTube Channel  to learn about how Spirituality and the Sciences go together, more about ascension and other topics.

Look at higher consciousness blogs, practitioners and videos under